Special Operations

Quickly clear powerlines of debris using drones outfitted with specialized tools, keeping personnel safe on the ground and avoiding shutdowns.

Special Operations Key Benefits

Debris Removal

Remove debris without endangering personnel or stopping operations.

Debris Removal

Debris Removal

Traditional Challenges

Inspection personnel need to physcially remove the debris, which is very dangerous and can be time-consuming.

Power supply needs to be cut off to ensure personnel safety, potentially impacting local residents and incurring costs to the power company.

How Drones Help Remove Debris

Drones can efficiently remove debris using a flamethrower payload, so personnel can stay safe on the ground.

Drones can operate safetly without shutting off power supply, ensuring continuous electricity provision and minimizing costs.

Related Products

Heavy Lifting Platform

Matrice 600 Pro

Clear power lines of any debris using the specialized operations platform equipped with a flamethrower payload.

Matrice 600 Pro

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